Wednesday, January 16, 2013

HAIR ON TANNING (Video 1 of 5)

How to TAN your Animal HIDE (Wild Game, any Furbearing Animal) with the HAIR  ON.  Make Beautiful Soft Rugs, Wall Hangings, Displays, Clothing, whatever you want.  Step by Step Directions to do it yourself.   Video 1 Covers Fleshing your hide.

Supplies used in Videos are always listed under "Supplies I Use" posts.


  1. Do you have a step by step instruction sheet available for hair on tanning? The videos are awesome, I'm just afraid I might miss something.

    1. No, I sure don't. Sorry. I would suggest you watch the videos at least once, all the way through, before you begin the process. Stop the video and make notes along the way. Think about yourself doing each step and what questions you may have at each point. Some people have said they have their smart phones, tablets, etc., with my video on it to refer to as they proceed. Good luck to you. - Rick

  2. Thanks, that's what I've been doing, watching - pausing - making notes.

    1. Good. That'll help. While you're watching the video ahead of time and taking notes, picture yourself doing each step. Then, if you have any questions, it would be a good time to ask. Better to ask at that point than to really be hands-on, in the middle of doing it, and asking me a question. I always get back to my questions within 24 hours, but, if you could ask ahead of time, it would be much easier for you. Good luck to you. Feel free to email anytime. - Rick
      PS. If I can find the time, your idea of a written narrative of the process would be good to do.

  3. Wanted to let you know your process worked great! Followed your directions and have tanned my first ever deer hide! It is a little stiff but have no hair slippage and have a few sewing projects in mind for it. Have another hide in the freezer and pretty confident that I can do it again.

    1. Awesome! That's the best news all day. Thanks for taking the time to let me know it worked out well for you. If you made any mistakes, or learned any shortcuts, you can benefit from those and make adjustments on your hide in the freezer. Super. Thanks again. - Rick

  4. Hi rick great tutorial thanks buddy im having trouble getting my hands on tanning solutions is there any natural or chemical ingredients thats equivalent to tanning solution? exclude brain tanning thanks once again

    1. Look up on the internet an "Alum Solution" for tanning. That's fairly safe. That's also how it used to be done. You'll also need to get an acid to be used for pickling. Citric Acid is relatively safe and water- soluble, but, like all acid, you need to be careful. You need that acid to keep the pH level within the range when pickling. I did a search for you regarding "old time tanning procedures". There's actually quite a lot of methods you could use. I suggest you look on the internet also, see which ingredients you have access to, then, use that method. Might take longer to do, may be somewhat harder, but, at least it can be done. Let me know if you have further questions. I'd be happy to help. Good luck. Rick


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