This Website is Dedicated to the Serious Hunter, Fisherman, Survivalist, Do-It-Yourself Taxidermist, Wildlife Enthusiast and Their Game. I am a Taxidermist that Enjoys Everything about the Outdoors. You’ll Learn Taxidermy, Filleting Fish, Field Dressing, Fleshing, Skinning, Butchering, Hide Preparation, Flint Knapping Arrowheads, Primitive Arrows, Off-The-Grid, Survivalist Skills, Prepper Needs, Self-Sufficiency and Much More. This is a Work-In-Progress, so Check Back for Additions.
Rick, I'm in the middle of the pickling step with a steer hide. Now knowing that cows are much thicker than deer, do I need to keep it in the pickle longer than three days? And will I need to leave the tan on longer? (I have the Mckenzie pickle and tanning solution). Thank you for your time
I would leave it in the pickle another day or two longer. Keep on top the pH. Make sure you agitate frequently. Neutralize. Leave the tanning crème on for an additional day. Good luck. - Rick