Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pheasant Skinning for Taxidermy Video 2 of 5


  1. When you say dry preservative, to you mean borax? How do you hook the legs to the body?

  2. How do you make a neck?

  3. For birds, yes, I'm talking about Borax.
    The videos will explain how you have to wire the wings and the legs and attach them. After that, you run the wire through the bird form and hook into place. - Rick

  4. The neck can be made using wire with a papertowel around it, or a piece of premade neck foam, or, flexible foam, or a wire w/Excelsior. Just make sure you measure your neck before you throw it away; length and circumference. Keep watching the videos, I think they will really help you in this process. Thanks. Good luck. - Rick

  5. when you remove the meat from the forearm area of the bird do you need to cut through the bones and remove the marrow also or will the borax take care of any issues that might occur?

  6. Anonymous: No need to cut the bones. They are hollow with very little in them. Borax will take care of issues if you flesh and de-fat properly. On big birds, I inject the tips of the wing (the very end) with birdfeet injection fluid which is a preservative. There is a little meat in between the bones on the wing tips.
    - Rick


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