This Website is Dedicated to the Serious Hunter, Fisherman, Survivalist, Do-It-Yourself Taxidermist, Wildlife Enthusiast and Their Game. I am a Taxidermist that Enjoys Everything about the Outdoors. You’ll Learn Taxidermy, Filleting Fish, Field Dressing, Fleshing, Skinning, Butchering, Hide Preparation, Flint Knapping Arrowheads, Primitive Arrows, Off-The-Grid, Survivalist Skills, Prepper Needs, Self-Sufficiency and Much More. This is a Work-In-Progress, so Check Back for Additions.
Can't see your first video about pheasant taxidermy. The others are ok
Is the screen blank? or, what's wrong? Could you please give me a bit more detail? I just played it and it seemed to work fine. Maybe something else is going on? Let me know what you're experiencing so I can fix it. Thank you for the Heads Up. - Rick