Sunday, December 7, 2008

Preparing Your Deer Cape for Taxidermy VIDEO 1 OF 5


  1. First of all thanks for all this great info - I'm amazed at your results using just the tanning cream - can the same be used for a black bear skin? Can I degrease a bear hide with dish soap and then use the tanning cream?

    I'm still trying to understand how the tanning cream eliminates the usual pickling process. Wow...

    Thanks again!

    Marty Stephenson

  2. Marty:
    Yes, the same cream can be used on a black bear. I've done this.
    For your second question; Yes. Just make sure that it is fleshed very well. Still has to be salted, etc. Good luck. Any other questions, just email me. Rick

  3. I have a nice whitetail rack that I would like to do a mount with. Do you have any suggestions for a reliable source to buy a deer cape from? What would be a reasonable price that I should expect to pay for one?


  4. Willy:
    I'd go to to their Wanted or For Sale area. Depending upon the size you want, you can pay $35 to $100. The bigger the deer, the higher the price. Plus, it also makes a difference if it's tanned or if you're going to do that yourself. Again, you'll pay more for tanned. Thanks. - Rick

  5. When skinning a squirrel, do the ears have to be completely turned all the way to the edges?

  6. Anon:
    Your question somehow went into my Spam Folder. So, I am sorry my response is late. I usually get to my questions within a day or two.
    No, the ears don't have to be turned all the way to the edges. Just use a piece of cardboard to card the ears. They'll dry this way. Thanks. Rick


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